Teen Asthma Linked to Acetaminophen?
For the first time, a new study has linked even infrequent acetaminophen use in teens with asthma. According to the study, conducted by Richard W. Beasley, MD, professor of medicine at the Medical Research Institute of New Zealand in Wellington, even once a month use of acetaminophen may trigger asthma in teens. Monthly use of acetaminophen in teens was 2.5 times the asthma risk of nonusers. Once-a-year users had a 43% increase in asthma risk.The study included 323,000 13-14 year olds from 50 different countries. The researchers, including Dr. Beasley were quick to point out that no definitive conclusions could be drawn from the study. “Randomized, controlled trials are now urgently required to investigate this relationship further and to guide the use of [fever-reducing drugs], not only in children but also in pregnancy and adult life,” they conclude in their report.
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