By: Mark A. Abramson
I. Introduction:
In “‘Two Roads… Abramson Abramson2009-11-28 03:08:412017-04-28 03:08:55Beyond ‘Loss of Chance’ – Valid Medical Negligence Claims When A Cure Was Already Unlikely
Mark A. Abramson and Kevin F. Dugan
Medical… Dugan Dugan2009-07-28 03:06:402017-04-28 03:06:56Maximizing Medical Malpractice Screening Panels Through the Use of Screening Panel Testimony at Trial
A. Introduction:
Continuing the theme of two recent articles1… Abramson Abramson2009-04-28 02:59:262024-09-01 20:39:06Negligent Discharge of an Involuntary Admitted Patient: Third Party’s Cause of Action for Harm Caused by Prematurely Released Patient
Medical Provider Liability to Non-Patient Third-Parties for Negligent… Haines Haines2009-01-28 03:00:152017-04-28 03:00:26Medical Provider Liability to Non-Patient Third Parties for Negligent Medical Care and Prescribing Practices
I. Introduction:
Medical malpractice practitioners beware. As… Abramson Abramson2008-11-28 02:55:172017-04-28 02:55:32Medical Malpractice Claims Against Public Health Service and Federally Funded Community Health Center Physicians: Practical Problems and Potential Pitfalls to Be Aware of
I. Introduction:
New Hampshire’s medical malpractice screening… Abramson Abramson2008-09-28 02:54:042017-04-28 02:54:19Broken Promises: Data Shows NH’s Medical Malpractice Screening Panels Are Not Leading to Early Resolution and Cost Savings
I. Introduction:
The healthcare frontier has changed in the… Abramson Abramson2008-08-28 02:57:372017-04-28 02:57:49Medical Malpractice Liability in the Information Age – the Evolution of the Physician-Patient Relationship on the New Healthcare Frontier
I. Introduction:
Like most states, New Hampshire has a statute… Abramson Abramson2008-05-28 02:56:182017-04-28 02:56:35Medical Malpractice Litigation and the NH Good Samaritan Statute