Kevin Dugan Will Receive the Board of Governor’s Award
Congratulations to my partner Kevin Dugan who has been recognized for the second time by the New Hampshire Association for Justice. Kevin will receive the Board of Governor’s Award at the annual dinner on June 30th.
It’s fitting that the New Hampshire legal community recognize his tireless efforts on behalf of all New Hampshire residents. Kevin is a tribue to the legal profession.Ellen Shemitz, Executive Director for the New Hampshire Association for Justice, remarked “At our April Board Meeting, Kevin’s nomination received unanimous support. Board members cited his tireless advocacy at the legislature (from his willingness to testify on short notice to his work on numerous issues well beyond his specific practice area, to his ability to explain complex issues to legislators). Yes, Kevin has been honored in the past. But he did not thank the audience, hang his award on his office wall and go home; rather, he has continue to fight for civil justice and provide a voice for trial lawyers and litigants across the state. He does so without fanfare, with great skill, and all to the benefit of our mission and goals.”
What a great testament to a man who has dedicated his life to helping others seek justice.
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